Facial Nerve Physiotherapy is a kind of treatment done to treat condition called Facial Palsy.
Myocutaneous Flap includes skin & muscle. In this, tissue is extracted frpm patient's body and use it on the other part of the body.
Skin Grafting is done to correct the defect in the continuity of healthy skin. Read the complete articles to get more details about Skin Grafting. For any medical assistance call us at : 8010335566.
Sling Operation for Facial Palsy is performed to improve the symmetry of face at rest.
Tissue Expander is basically a breast implant which is used to expand and prepare the skin for a permanent implant.
Revision Neck Lift Surgery is performed to extract the right amount of excess skin. Read the complete article to know more about Revision Neck Lift Surgery. For any medical assistance and appointment
Breast Reconstruction Surgery is a procedure in which one or both breasts are removed partially or completely. Get complete details about breast reconstruction surgery in Delhi, Procedure, best hospit
Cost of Hair Transplant in India is low as compared to other western countries including UK, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE etc. Making India a preferred destination for Hair Transplant
Cost of Brazilian butt lift surgery in India is low as compared to other western countries including UK, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE etc. Making India a preferred destination for Braz
Cost of breast augmentation in Delhi, India is low as compared to other western countries including UK, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE etc. India is a preferred destination for breast im
Cost of Rhinoplasty in Delhi, India is low as compared to other western countries including UK, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, UAE etc. India is a preferred destination for Rhinoplasty. Read
Robotic hair transplant is one of the most modern methods for hair transplant in order to treat baldness. It is a considerable progress in the technique used for follicular unit extraction (FUE) proce
Arm lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure to reshape the portion of the arm, from the underarm region to the elbow. Arm lift procedure is also known as Barchioplasty.
Neck lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excessive skin and fat deposits from the neck. Age, genetics or fluctuations in the weight can cause sagging of the neck.
Body lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the shape and tone of the underlying tissue which supports the fat and skin.
Breast lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure which elevates the breasts by extracting the excess skin and tightening the underlying breast tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure which involves removing excessive fat and skin to reduce overgrown glandular tissue in the breasts and to ease you from the discomfort of heavy breasts
Smart lipo is a minimal invasive and one of the safest cosmetic procedure for the removal of excess body fat. Smart lipo can remove the excessive fat up to 8 pounds.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that breaks up and removes the excessive fat from the body. Liposuction is generally used on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, back, chin, arms, and calves.
Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure to enhance the impression of the eyelids. This surgical procedure is also known as Blepahroplasty.