
Latest Articles of ENT (29)

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 22, 2018

Croup is a childhood disease which is characterized when the windpipe (trachea), the airways to the lungs (the bronchi) and the voice box (larynx) gets affected.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 07, 2018

Labyrinthitis is an inner ear viral infection, where you can typically experience feelings of vertigo and dizziness.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Saddle Nose

  • May 07, 2018

Saddle Nose is the loss of cartilage inside the septum of the noise.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 04, 2018

Rhinophyma is a condition in which swelling of the nose happens.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Vestibular Schwannoma

  • May 04, 2018

A vestibular schwannoma is a non-cancerous tumor that develops along the main balance and hearing nerve leading from your inner ear to your brain.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Empty Nose Syndrome

  • May 04, 2018

Empty Nose Syndrome is a nasal syndrome that prevents an individual from being able to contract proper airflow to and from their nasal cavities.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 04, 2018

Presbycusis is the gradual loss of hearing in both of the ears.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 02, 2018

Rhinoscleroma is an inflammatory condition which is caused by bacteria called Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Otomycosis is a fungal infection in the ears that seems to be a problem for people who live in warm areas of the world.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Tooth Impaction

  • May 01, 2018

Tooth Impaction is the positioning of tooth against another tooth.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Aphonia is a condition in which one can have a partial loss of your voice and it may sound hoarse or, you may have complete loss of your voice and it may sound like a whisper.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Barotrauma is a kind of problem faced in the ear which is caused by increased air or water pressure.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Diphtheria is a disease which is caused by bacterial infection that spreads easily and happens quickly.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Epiglottitis is a condition that causes swelling further blocking airflow into your lungs.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Nasal Fracture

  • May 01, 2018

Nasal Fracture or broken nose is the most basic type of facial fracture.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Odynophagia is a state in which the affected person experiences much pain during swallowing food, liquids and medication pills.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Anosmia is a common condition in which a person partially or completely loses the ability to smell. Anosmia is caused due to any of the other conditions mentioned and can be cured with the treatment o

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Snoring is an often loud or harsh sound that can be produced at the time of sleep.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.


  • May 01, 2018

Mastoiditis is an infection which is present in the mastoid bone. Mastoid bone is a very important part of the ear however it is not visible like other bones.

Health articles, Lazoi,www.Lazoi.com,health,heart diseases, kidney diseases, eye diseases, ear diseases, skin diseases, chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer treatment, chest disease, allergy treatments, hair problems, heart problems, kidney problems, eye problems, ear problems, skin problems, psychological diseases, psychological problems, nervous system diseases, nervous system problems, bone diseases, bone problems, thyroid diseases, thyroid diseases, thyroid problems, sinus problem, anemia diseases, hip and joint diseases, hip and joints problems, muscular diseases, muscular problems, arthritis problems, liver problem, liver diseases, gall bladder problems, urinary tract diseases, sexual diseases, sexual problems.

Nasal Congestion

  • Apr 28, 2018

Nasal Congestion is caused by viruses and bacteria when you have a cold or flu, or by allergens like dust and pollen. Nasal congestion is another term for a stuffy nose. It is often a symptom of anoth

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